    | "txt"
    | "text"
    | "pdf"
    | "docx"
    | "doc"
    | "jpg"
    | "jpeg"
    | "eml"
    | "html"
    | "htm"
    | "md"
    | "pptx"
    | "ppt"
    | "msg"
    | "rtf"
    | "xlsx"
    | "xls"
    | "odt"
    | "epub"

To enable or disable table extraction for file types other than PDF, set the skipInferTableTypes property in the UnstructuredLoaderOptions object. The skipInferTableTypes property is an array of file types for which table extraction is disabled. For example, to disable table extraction for .docx and .doc files, set the skipInferTableTypes property to ["docx", "doc"]. You can also disable table extraction for all file types other than PDF by setting the skipInferTableTypes property to [].
